Jul 29, 2006

Getting so close

Saturday for me this week is clean up and organize day. I have so much to do and so little time to do it in. It doesn't help that it is cool, dull, and dreary here today. Now, don't kill me, I know a lot of you are baking in a hot humid oven down there but I wouldn't mind just a little of your heat. you know, like leave the oven door open for a second or two and let some of the heat waft its way up this way a little.

I am getting so close to one of my goals on this weight loss journey. I am so happy and excited. I am looking at getting to a place I haven't been in more than ten years! On one hand I am excited, I am sooo close. On the other hand, I am nervous. It is like there is a part of my brain that says that my body will stop and refuse to go any further, like I have no control. Which is ridiculous, right? I am not the only person in the world who will eat less and move more and not lose weight, right. I'm just nuts. I figured that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good for you! ***Applause Applause*** :D
