Jul 3, 2006

Monday Mumblings

Not too much to report on the home front. It is a rainy dull drizzly day. I have been filling up my time making scrapbook pages from July 1st. They are turning out well I think, but then again after working on them for so long, I start to go a bit cross-eyed!

Let me just tell you that our computer is in the basement. It doesn't look great but it is the coolest place in the house. And right now, the little princess is sitting on the floor beside me with the broken computer, pretending to play on it and singing away to herself. She is such a contented girl sometimes. You gotta love her!

Please ignore the fact that she is sitting there on the cement floor in her nightdress, with her hair all a mess it was taken early in the morning on a long weekend and we were being lazy!

Please note that she is looking at a monitor that is unplugged using equipement that is all unplugged. How cute is she??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We gave our little one an old keyboard that we don't use anymore and since I'm a pretty fast typist, it's really funny to watch her try to imitate me on the keyboard. lol!
