Mar 31, 2011

Curriculum Thoughts

In regards to curriculum I decided to go with my instincts and if we have to use our HSLDA lawyer to fight to be allowed to use it, so be it. I just know that my high-functioning autistic girl does not do well with a standard workbook type of curriculum. That type of curriculum allows no time for the more creative types of things that I want to do, it does not nuture her soul and it turns school time into a battle ground. I don't want it to be that way, she needs a more hands-on, creative way of learning. I know that a Waldorf curriculum can provide that for her. I also know that choosing a Waldorf curriculum here may end up causing me to have to fight for what I believe is right for my daughter. So, I kept trying to come up with ways to compromise to make it more acceptable to the officials. But in the end I decided that I am not going to let them keep me from doing what is best for her. I truly believe in Waldorf and I am very very drawn to A Little Garden Flower. I have been all along. I keep coming back to it as no matter what else I look at, her way of teaching, talking and dealing with people speaks to me and I believe it will allow me to speak to my girl in a way that will return her love of learning.

Since math is our greatest battle, last night I ordered their math curriculum to start as soon as I get it and I will order the Grade 4 curriculum for next year.

Today, I was looking at curriculum samples from the math curriculum I ordered and read some of it out to Princess Belle. It was such a lovely way to teach math that I couldn't resist. She loved it. She wanted to know more and went on to play math on her own for at least a full 1/2 hour afterwards. I love anything that turns something that has been stressful into something fun and interesting.

The more that I told her about our future curriculum, my plans for our future school days, the more she liked it. She loves the idea of a nature table, the math Gnomes were lovely, creativity was exciting. Just knowing her reactions to it all let me know that I am making the right decision in this regard.

And the fact that I emailed Melisa last night regarding her curriculum and she got back to me within a half an hour let me know that my feelings in regards to her and how she deals with people were right on as well.

In regards to our bread making adventures yesterday, the bread ended up being cooked in the oven but mixed in the breadmaker after having overflowed the machine. It tasted yummy though, and I tried again today and it seems to have been a bigger success.


Ina's 5 and our Native Homeschool Blog said...

I'm so sorry that you may have to fight to teach what you want. That is awful. Hope all goes well your choice soy ds lovely

Justme said...

I've spent this last year fighting the same fight, so I know how you feel. And I've come basically to the same conclusion...I know my kids, I know what's right for them. If that means I have to fight the school board, so be it!
I'm so glad you've found something you like! I think you'll all have a wonderful year if you are enjoying it, not fighting your way through it.

Anonymous said...

I am also sorry to hear that you have to fight to use what curriculum you think is best for your child.

I just wanted to say that our daughters sound so alike when it comes to learning. As one that has been down the Waldorf path I just wanted to give encouragement to your fight. Waldorf has been such a great blessing for my 10 year old :).

Good luck!
