Jan 13, 2017


Conversation with Prince Charming:

Me:  I am glad that Saturday is coming, because that is the day with no homeschooling so I can have a full day to relax and take a break because I am tired.

Then I can take the chance to clean up the playroom and Little Prince's room and get the laundry done.

Prince Charming: Do you know what relaxing and taking a break even means?

Me: Sure, that is the first hour of the day when I drink my coffee before the kids get up.

Prince Charming: Oh that makes sense.

Me:  That is also when I start the fire, bring in wood, load and unload the dishwasher and sometimes put supper in the slow cooker.

Prince Charming:  **laughing** I think you're confused.

Me: **Laughing**

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