Jun 11, 2012

Bean Spread

For about 6 months, I posted on another blog.  This a post that was copied from that blog.  I used different names for the family.  Just so you know the names were as follows:

Prince Charming - Wandering Aengus
Princess Belle - Lilly
Princess Magpie - Rose
Princess Snifflefritz - Lotus
Little Prince - Reed

I was trying to come up with something for breakfast, when I thought of some beans I had cooked up and left in my freezer. I decided I wanted to make some kind of spread to have with toast and it was really easy and good. I am sure you could use canned white beans for this but I used dried beans I had cooked up and frozen ahead of time.

1 1/2 cup of cooked beans (I would think that I full can of any sort of beans would work here)
1/8 cup water (just a splash to loosen it up)
2 tablespoons nutritional yeast
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1/2 teaspoon sea salt (or to taste)
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder (or to taste, and fresh would work here as well)
1 teaspoon taco seasoning (to taste and chili powder would work here instead)

I simple combined the ingredients, mashed them up and then heated them through. I served spread on toast, but it would be great on crackers

And just because I enjoy her enthusiasm, here is a picture of my Rose!

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