Jan 10, 2011

At this Moment (part 3)

At this moment, the laundry is washing downstairs.

At this moment, the dishwasher is cleaning my dishes.

At this moment, Princess Belle is dancing to music in the living room.

At this moment, my neighbour is voluntarily using his snowblower to clear off part of our driveway, without even mentioning it to us.

At this moment, Princess Snifflefritz is happily munching on cheerios in her high chair.

At this moment, Princess Magpie is walking up to Princess Snifflefritz, giving her kisses and saying, "Thank you baby." over and over again and grinning from ear to ear.

Life is good . . . at this moment.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Life is good in my moment too. :)

