Sep 5, 2010

Sunday Sum up

  1. Princess Snifflefritz has taken to rolling round the floor and then scootching on her but to get where she wants to go. I know it isn't crawling, but I am happy to see her mobile and happy. It is cute because she can only go sideways or backwards. I can't explain it very well, but I do say that she can make laps around the room in no time.
  2. We are working on something to improve our financial and living situation. So keep your fingers crossed for us that it all works out.
  3. I am thinking today about the Hurricane Earl. I hope that everyone is safe and cozy in their homes.
  4. Notsosnowwhite and her White Knight are coming for dinner tomorrow night. I am so glad that we moved here so that we can be near friends.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Hope you had a good dinner/time with your friends! :)
