Sep 25, 2010


As I organize my girls rooms, I come up with ideas for things I want to reuse in different ways. To that end, I have a kids coat rack by my door that I am going to move into the girls' room. It is like the one below but it is a little shorter and only has 4 pegs. I am going to go to the thrift shop and pick up a couple of purses and scarves for them to play with and hang them up on this.

On her table, I am going to put a mug tree that looks like the one below and I am going to put dollar store and thrift store necklaces and bracelets on it. The girls love to dress up and they will have so much fun with it and I like the creative play that develops when they dress up.

I told Princess Belle that I have some bigger items (I got them a play table and an easel at the Thrift shop) that are going into her room and I want her to help me go through her stuff to make room. She has promised to go through all her dolls and limit them to 6 dolls for both her and her sister (not including barbies and teddies, they are to be worked on another day).

I found an Anne Geddes Print at the thrift shop that I just fell in love with that I am putting up on their wall as well. It looks like this one.

So while Princess Snifflefritz's room is coming along, we are making plans for the big girls' room too.

1 comment:

Julie said...

A mug rack for their jewelry! What a good idea! I'm going to steal that idea! *lol*
