There are days lately when I feel like there is just not enough of me to go around. Don't get me wrong, I love my girls and I wouldn't change any one of them even a little, but I would like a full night's sleep and I would like a rule to be enforced that only one is allowed to have an emergency (or even cry for me) at a time. Yesterday, I was trying to keep supper from burning and I could hear Princess Sleeps-a-lot, and Princess Magpie both crying for my attention. The phone was ringing, I was rushing as fast as I could to get through the part of supper that I couldn't walk away from so I could give Princess Magpie a kiss on her booboo and a hug and a bottle for Princess Sleeps-a-lot. There just wasn't enough of me for everything. Then Princess Belle walked up and gave me a kiss, Princess Magpie gave me a drive-by hugging and I walked over to Princess Sleeps-a-lot and she looked up at me and grinned. And suddenly, I wasn't stressed anymore.
I love how easily Princess Sleeps-a-lot grins these days. She notices me looking at her or talking to her and she smiles a big sparkly smile and my heart is just full. I can be stumbling into her room for the 3rd time at 4:30 in the morning, grumbling about how sleep is over-rated anyway and I pick her up, she snuggles her head into my chest and smiled at me and sleep was forgotten as I basked in the glow of her happiness.
It will get better... it might take longer than you hope for, but it will gradually get better. My baby is now almost 14 months, and life is almost back to normal! :D
Enjoy them while they are little!
Enjoy this time when they are young and still need you so much... Because they go and grow up and get independent... Which I know is a good thing, but it's hard on us Mamas. *lol*
Such truth in this post. There are times is can be so stressful with 4 little ones running around, but the hug first thing in the morning by little Harold when he comes down the steps and makes a beeline for me just to give me a hug just makes my day. And throughout the day, the random hug and "I love you mommy" makes it all worth while.
And they grow up so fast. I need to remember to cherish every moment.
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