Apr 12, 2012

Meal Planning

For about 6 months, I posted on another blog.  This a post that was copied from that blog.  I used different names for the family.  Just so you know the names were as follows:

Prince Charming - Wandering Aengus
Princess Belle - Lilly
Princess Magpie - Rose
Princess Snifflefritz - Lotus
Little Prince - Reed

I am working on planning some healthier options I can include in my menu plan and thus my grocery list next payday.  Here are some thoughts I have had for at least myself:
  • Breakfasts:  oatmeal with fruit or tofu scrambles with veggies
  • Lunches:  A hummus wrap with vegetables, black beans and rice, chili, hummus with pita and vegetables, big salad, soup.
  • Dinners:  Easy Stir-Fry over Brown Rice,  Black Beans with Salsa on Rye Toast, Quick Chili Beans, Mushroom Stroganoff, Pasta with Peanut Sauce, Easy Veggie Fajitas, Simple Pasta Supper, Veggie Sloppy Joes,
  • Snacks: Smoothies made with frozen fruit, Fruit—whole or as salad, Crudités, Applesauce, Quick Rice Pudding
I am not sure exactly how much of this I will actually plan on, I am looking for simple ideas that are not expensive.  I can see me making a trip to the local Fruits and Veggies Market and the Farmers Market and taking advantage of their fresh yumminess too.

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