Sep 5, 2019

So Here's How It Went

It has been an eventful couple of days. Princess Magpie is having an amazing time in public school. She loves every little thing about it. Princess Snifflefritz is having a good time in school as well. But there have been a few hiccups. She apparently has no sense of direction. She got lost 3 times on her first day of school. She was really nervous and was feeling sick for a while.  On her second day of school she got in trouble with one of the teachers for not paying attention. I warned her homeroom teacher that it is hard for her to focus and she chats a lot. Her homeroom teacher has been amazing to her so as long as our homeroom teacher is amazing, she'll be okay. She had just decided that the other teacher is not her favourite teacher. I can live with that.

They both had math and did okay so far. I am really proud of them both.

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