Jan 4, 2006

Shift in the weather.

Well the clouds have faded and the sun is on the horizon. It was a beautiful sunny day today. It was lovely and warm and I went out to the store with Grandma Great. I got lots done and I am just feeling great. I am going to go shortly and give LP a bath and then after she goes to bed, I will have a nice long hot bath myself.

Isn't it funny how much the weather affects your state of mind? I looked out today and saw the sun shining on the ocean, the snow melting on the steps, and I felt like the skies had opened up just for me. I can do anything, I can accomplish anything, my house is clean, my baby is fed, happy, rested and about to be clean. I have a great husband who puts up with my insanity. I can't ask for much more than that.


Anonymous said...

Your right. It has been raining here for over a week. I feel all wet!

Anonymous said...

Does he have much choice to put up with the insanity? Mine doesn't or he can sleep in Africa. LOL!

Anonymous said...

How warm is warm?

Anonymous said...

Ah, the sun came make you feel like you can do it all, huh?

Glad you had such a wonderful day.

Anonymous said...

It was dark and raining here in Ohio, so my house is a wreck and I'm tired. :-(

Anonymous said...

I've come to realize that I'm defintely effected by the weather, when it's gloomy I'm gloomy, when it's sunny and bright so am I.

Anonymous said...

You're so right, weather does affect moods!
