Jul 22, 2018

Double Digits!

Today, my beautiful Princess Magpie turns ten years old.  She is growing up so much.  I can see more of the adolescent she will be a.d less of the child she used to be.  She is so mature and responsible.  She helps with her brother e every day and loved him more than words can even say.  She constantly tells me how much she loves him and how cute he is.  I love her so much for her bond with him.  She never resents the accommodations that we have to make for him.  She understands.  For her birthday her daddy is taking her and her sisters to a resort.  They are having a fancy dinner, cake, and presents.  I brought Little Prince home with me so that they would be able to relax and have fun without stressing about keeping him safe.  I spoke to her on  the phone and she gushed over her presents and Prince Charming took a video for me.

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