Nov 28, 2018


I was asked about the side effects of my anxiety medication.  I am glad that I had the medication, it helped me when I really needed it.  But with my doctor's permission, I feel like I might be able to get by without it.  And I thought I would share what I experienced here.

My medication did take away my panic attacks and lower my stress.  But I do feel like a lot of what I experienced was brought on by a situation I have since changed.  I think that I can be better now.

I did experience the following side effects: troubles falling asleep, tiredness, stomach problems , weight gain, and a few others.

To wean myself off of my Zoloft, I am lowering my dosage gradually to lessen the effects of coming off of it.

At the moment I am feeling really good.  I am not having any negative results so far.  I am feeling really positive about the future.

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