Apr 18, 2009

Saturday 9: Almost Famous

Saturday 9: Almost Famous

1. Have you ever been told that you look like some famous? Nope, not that I can remember

2. Name a celebrity that shares your birthday. Carl Reiner, William Hurt, Spike Lee, Holly Hunter, Sting,

3. Tell us about your first kiss. It was kind of on a dare. I had a crush on a guy who used to come to visit us quite a bit. One day, I just snuck a kiss.

4. When you meet someone attractive, what do you notice first? Their eyes, their lips and then their butt, usually in that order.

5. What was your biggest mistake ever? That's tough. I try not to think of the things I have done in the past as mistakes, they all lead me to where I am now and I love where I am now. I guess I would say, anything I have done that might have hurt someone else would be a mistake that I would regret.

6. Give us one random, but candid fact about you. I am an organization freak who can't keep up with her house. I long to have a perfectly clean, organized house, but never quite get there.

7. What about your current or most recent lover excites you? His eyes and the way he pays attention to what I need.

8. What really annoys you? Today, hmm . . . when the dog takes things he shouldn't, when he chews on things he shouldn't, when he whines . . . I guess today the dog is annoying me. LOL

9. How many other Saturday 9’ers answers do you usually read? I read a few of them. I am usually pretty busy on the weekends with my girls.

1 comment:

Julie said...

The questions on these things always seem to come out of left field. *lol*
