Nov 1, 2014

I don't think so

I read this meme on Facebook that read, "Don't forget to turn your clocks back.  I think I'll turn mine back to when I was 20." 

My first thought was, "Wouldn't that be nice?"  But then I remembered being 20.  I wasn't married  yet, I wasn't sure where my life was going to go.  I wanted a family, but I wasn't sure it was ever going to happen.  I was lonely, hard-working and uncertain. I hadn't even gone back to college yet.  I wouldn't want to go back there. 

Then I thought maybe 30, but really that wasn't a good year for me either.  I was suffering from post-partum depression and miserable. 

So I thought about my life now.  Sure there are a few things I would change about where I live.  But in my life?  No, not really.  I wouldn't change my kids, my marriage, my family at all.  So while I would like to have the body I had at 20, I don't want the life I had back then. 

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