
Sep 2, 2009

Big News

I just had to pop in and share what is going on in my busy world. I had a really rough couple of days this week, full of stress and upset. Due to harassment issues, we are moving. I can't take that kind of stress right now that I am pregnant and I won't be able to take it when I am a busy homeschooling mom with three children, two of whom are under two. We decided that enough is enough and we were going where this won't happen anymore. We are moving our family to the same town that my best friend, Notsosnowwhite and one of my Aunts lives. I have lived there before. I like that it is a small, historic town, with all the amenities but everything is still within walking distance. We are aiming for November 1st. So that means I will be about 7 1/2 months pregnant (or thereabouts) when we move. It is a lot to take on with everything else, but after we get there, it will so be worth it.

On September 8, we will be having a large garbage pickup at our place. We will get rid of a lot things that we don't want to move with us. After that, I will start packing the entire house. I once packed out house in a weekend and I want to avoid that this time.

Just an ironic note, with every other pregnancy, I was late in the pregnancy getting the nursery done. This time, I had the nursery done before I was 5 months pregnant and NOW we are moving!!! Isn't that just Murphy's law??


  1. *hugs* Hoping all goes well for you guys!

  2. goodness...harassment issues...that sounds just terrible! I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this horrible stresses especially while pregnant.
    It sounds like you're moving to a place that will be nurturing for your family, though, since you'll have friends and family around. And how fortunate that you can just pack up and move. Hopefully since you've got the nursery done once, it'll be easier to just put it all back together. Do you already have a house picked out?

  3. Moving is a great adventure as is anything in life. You are strong and can tackle it one bit at a time. It will be fun...a new place a new baby...YAY!

  4. Sounds like you are moving to a great town to raise your kids.

    Hope all is well


  5. Sorry to hear about the harasstment issues... That doesn't sound good at all! ... Hope you have some help with the moving!

  6. I'm so sorry you have been dealing with harassment issues. I will be praying that your move goes well...if I lived close I would help you pack. I have moved so much and still hate packing. Keep us updated. **hugs**


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