Apr 16, 2009

Write this one off and start again tomorrow

It was a pretty rotten day today. Princess Belle got glutened yesterday and today was the day from h*ll. She cried over everything, she was defiant, she was impossible. I hate days like this. I feel like my mommy bag doesn't have the tools in it to deal with this stuff. It would be easier if her reaction to gluten was more immediate, instant nausea or something similar that would be a bigger deterent. The way that it is, the big ones who have to deal with her reaction to gluten is her father and I.

I just have to remember the person that she is the rest of the time, the funny, sweet, loving person. The way she completely idolizes her father, loves her sister and likes to cook with me. She isn't this terrible alien child that beams in whenever she gets gluten or dairy.

Prince Charming was worried about whether I will be able to handle her when we are homeschooling. He was worried, I would burn myself out dealing with the hard days. I discussed the fact that we need to have strict control over her diet. And that on bad days, we can decide that maybe she isn't up to bookwork today and we can do something that will be more conducive to her ADHD and her reaction to the foods. We can get out of the house and go to a museum or to the local farm or one of any other education trips that we can take, we can play educational games or do science experiments, etc., and work on books on the next day when she has gotten the gluten out of her system.

Even given the awful day we had today, I am still certain we can do this. I think I am better able to do this than a teacher who would have to deal with the same thing without the benefit of the love, understanding and flexibility that I have.


Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

You and her must be exhausted after this tough day. Hoping for a better one tomorrow.

I am rooting for you!

Barbara Frank said...

My eldest was a pistol. No health problems, gluten issues, etc. Just a pistol. There were times when I didn't know how I could keep homeschooling her. But the grace of God got us through.

Now she's 25 and a real pleasure to be around. I doubt she would have done as well if she'd gone to school.

You can do this. Doubts are normal, and so are bad days. But the good days will outweigh them, and someday, you'll be like me, grateful for the adventure :)

Thanks for stopping by my blog!

Kelly L said...

Praying for a better day for all of you tomorrow

Julie said...

One of those days, huh? ... When I have one of those days I send all the kids to their rooms and make them STAY. They can play, watch TV in there, whatever, but DON'T come out for around an hour. *lol* ... Gives me time to regroup (and the same goes for them).
