Jan 23, 2009

Spin Cycle: Songs

Songs have always played such an important part of my life. Some of my earliest memories are sitting with my father in front of the radio, listening to his albums with him telling me the stories behind the songs or riding in the car, sitting in the back seat with my father singing songs to me. Usually, they were sad songs and I would be crying away in the back seat until my mom noticed and ordered my dad to sing a happy one.

small cycle
When I was younger there was a song called "Sleeping Beauty" which always made me cry and give dad a hug. When I was older and away in college I read the speech in my public speaking class. When I was done, I looked down at the audience through tear stained eyes and saw an entire sniffling classroom of watery eyes looking up at me, including my teacher.

There are so many songs that have played through the soundtrack of my life. So many songs that bring back wonderful memories. Some songs bring back memories of my dad and I, some songs bring back my teenage years, and fun times spent with my friends, walking down the street singing at the top of our lungs carefree and happy, doing the family ironing, singing into the iron and others bring back the memories of when Prince Charming and I met.

Prince Charming and I didn't dance until we were dating six months and we went to a Christmas dance. The very last song of the night, so described how our relationship had been. I listened to it and it felt like it was written about our trials, how we had to fight to be together no matter what anyone else thought. Everyone I knew was against our relationship at first, my parents and my friends. But we stood together through it and I knew that no matter what they said, my life began again when I met Prince Charming. That song was Boyzone's "No Matter What".


Laufa said...

Great Spin. Your Dad must of listened to country songs...they seem to all be sad back in the day.

Sprite's Keeper said...

I remember that Boyzone song. Good one! Sprite is going through this phase with songs right now, "Once Upon a Dream" is currently the hit, only she calls it, "I know you". And she makes me sing it over and over. Ugh. You're linked, and, girl, you're quick!

Anonymous said...

Great songs... I'd never heard of either before... TO be honest, I've never even heard of boyzone. *lol* (How sad is that?) ... But I LOVED it. :) ... They really sing well.

Chris said...

Great songs, great memories & a great spin.

Anonymous said...

Sleeping Beauty is just lovely, I am not sure I would say the same for boyzone :-) ... but that is probably just from over exposure.

The sleeping beauty song reminds me of the Paul Simon song Father & Daughter

Stacy Hackenberg said...

Jimmy Dean is one of those American treasures that people seem to have forgotten. Great job bringing him to the attention of those who might have missed him

Anonymous said...

Very awesome post and great songs! Musical memories are the best!

Shangrila said...

I must of grown up in a bubble-I'd never heard either of these songs, but liked them very much! Thanks for sharing them. :)

Pseudo said...

I remember those songs. Great spin!
