Dec 30, 2008

Two teeth!

Little Princess Magpie has two teeth!! She was chewing on my fingers and I realized I was feeling two teeth. They have just cut through and they are a little hard to see, but if you click on it and look closely you can just see there are two teeth on the bottom in the middle. She is still her happy babbly self. I am impressed with how well she is handling it.


Notsosnowwhite said...

my god she is growing up sooo a flash she will be like belle and losing her teeth

Anonymous said...

Mine always cut two at a time two, but usually they were accompanied by ear infections. Oh, I am so not looking forward to that. *sigh*

Just wanted to stop by and wish you a Happy New Year. I've been away from blogging for a bit and I'm playing catch up, but I hope you have a wonderful 2009 filled with peace, love, and much happiness for you and yours!

Anonymous said...

My kids always did well during teething too. The only way I knew they were teething is because their pooped had a certain smell to it. *lol*

Tasha said...

wow 2 teeth, what a trooper.
