
Sep 24, 2005

Lather, rinse, repeat

Lather, rinse, repeat. That kinda feels like my life today. Like a hamster in his wheel, I keep running as fast as I can but I am not conscious of the fact that I am never really getting anywhere. When the Little Princess goes to bed for her nap, I clean up the house and make supper. I pick up all her toys, clean off the coffee table and clean up the mess she made on the floor. But when she gets up, she scatters her toys, messes up the coffee table and makes another mess on the floor. So when she goes to bed for the night, I pick up all her toys, clean off the coffee table and clean up the mess she made on the floor, again. Every day the same thing, lather, rinse repeat. Every day, I get up the same time, repeat the same tasks, relax after they are done happy that I have accomplished all that I have on my list. And then the next morning, I wake up with that same list to accomplish again. Is this my life from now on? A set of duties to accomplish every day, a hamster on a wheel, running as fast as I can but never really getting ahead and never getting anywhere.

Oh well, I really enjoy my life. I just woke up with a headache, grumpy and complaining. I'll cheer up later, I promise. In the meantime, I'll just lather rinse and repeat.

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