
Dec 31, 2018

A Brand New Year

Happy New Year to you and your.  We celebrated in a casual way.  We played music and had a mini dance party in our living room.  Later, we watched a Gnome movie with the kids and had party foods for fun.  We even got to watch fireworks from our neighbors across the road.  It was a lovely low-key New Years Eve.

Dec 30, 2018

Got an Urge

Every year around this time, I get the urge to clean my house from top to bottom.  Some people do spring cleaning, I do New Year's cleaning.  Today, I got a start with the fridge and the appliances, as well as the living room. 

On another note, some kids play with play dough and make food, some make people or houses.  My Princess Magpie plays with play dough and makes DNA!!

Dec 29, 2018


I am finally feeling all the way back to myself.  The withdrawal symptoms from my anxiety medication are all the way gone and I have found my sleepy again.  I am so grateful for ray feeling of being drowsy while watching television in the evening.  I am so completely thrilled to be too tired to read before I go to sleep at night.  I turn over in bed and fall asleep  because I am actually tired instead of because it is time.  I am so happy!!!

Dec 27, 2018

Well That's Done

Christmas is over and I am ready for spring.  I am ready for warm days and sunny mornings.

On another note, Princess Belle told me today that I cooked Christmas dinner perfectly.  She is a PICKY eater so that was nice to hear.  I am trying to think of something fun to do for New Year's Eve as we don't really want another dinner the same as we had for Christmas.  I will have to 5hink about it.

Dec 25, 2018

Merry Christmas

From my family to yours, I wish the very best of the holiday season. I am blessed to have the family I do and I am grateful for a peaceful Christmas day.

Dec 24, 2018

Christmas Eve

What a lovely Christmas Eve day.  We made brownies and our traditional Christmas Eve cookies for Santa and then enjoyed some family time.  We watched a new Christmas movie called, "The Christmas Chronicles".  It was SO good!

Dec 23, 2018

Cookies, hot chocolate and movies

Since we are all prepared for Christmas, we had a quiet day.  The girls and I made cookies.  Even Princess Belle dug in and helped.  It was fun.  The rest of the day was filled with yummy food, giggling kids, hot chocolate and Christmas movies.  How can it get better?

Dec 22, 2018


My Princess Snifflefritz turned nine years old today.  She is funny, sweet, and beautiful.  I am so blessed to be her mom.  

Dec 21, 2018

So sweet

I love how much babies love stuffed animals.  They sleep in piles of them, they sit on them, play with them, and carry them around.  It is sweet.

Dec 20, 2018

Newfoundland Snowballs

When I was growing up, I loved it when my mom made these.  It is my favorite Christmas cookie.  There are traditionally made with butter (or margarine), sugar, milk, rolled oats, unsweetened coconut (flaked), and cocoa. I use evaporated milk, butter, vanilla and a pinch of salt, the combination gives this delicious cookie a sweet creamy savoury fudgy texture. 

Makes 36 servings (1½“ balls)


  • 3 cups rolled oats
  • 2 cups unsweetened coconut
  • ¾ cup cocoa (sifted)
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1¼ cups evaporated milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 2½ cups sugar
  • ¾ cup butter (cut in sm cubes) 
In a large bowl, combine rolled oats, 1 cup coconut, cocoa, walnuts and salt, mix well and set aside.

In a large saucepan, low-med heat, combine milk, vanilla, sugar and butter. Stir until all  are totally dissolved.

Increase to med-high heat (at this time do not stir mixture) and bring to a hard boil.

Continue cooking for 10 minutes or until temperature reaches 235ยบ – 240°F on a candy thermometer or at the soft-ball stage. Remove from heat and let mixture settle (approx 1 minute). 

Carefully add mixture to dry ingredients and mix thoroughly. Place mixture in refrigerator until cool enough to handle.

Shape into round balls and coat by rolling in remaining coconut. Store in refrigerator or freezer.

Dec 19, 2018

Loving It

I am having a great day. I finished all my Christmas and birthday shopping.  The kids loved the tacos I made for supper and then we had an evening of Christmas movies and popcorn. Can't get much better than that.

Dec 18, 2018


We are having a winter storm today.  I don't even mind.  Coffee by a window lit only by Christmas lights while snow blows outside is actually really lovely.


My baby boy is learning to read!!! In homeschool, he actually read some pages with no pictures and no hints!!! I did manage to get q video of him when he was starting to get distracted, but with a little prompting he still read!

Dec 15, 2018


I did a little photo shoot with the kids.  They were wiggly and squirmy so almost none turned out how I liked, but my babies are adorable anyway

Dec 13, 2018


We have been busy with homeschooling and Christmas, but I have to say how completely in proud I am of Little Prince and his enthusiasm for homeschool.  He LOVES it.  He rushes ahead, doing more in a day than I expected in months.  He is incredible.  Princess Magpie loves helping him learn.  She is my little teachers assistant and I am proud of her.

Dec 10, 2018

So Proud!

Today was our first day of formal homeschooling with Little Prince.  And I am SO amazed at how clever he is!!! My goal to start with was to teach him to write his name.  And after we worked on that for a while (my hand over his.) He asked me to do numbers.  So, I wrote the number one and two and when he asked for the number three, I gave him the crayon.  He handed it back and I gave it back to him repeating the word  "three" to him.  Then he picked up and wrote the number THREE!!! I was so surprised that I gave him the crayon said the word, " circle".  Much to my incredulity, he drew a CIRCLE!!!!!  I am so incredibly impressed by him.  Later when he was playing Princess Magpie, he wrote out half of the alphabet!!!  He knows so much more than he can tell us!! I LOVE him so much!!!

Dec 9, 2018


I thought I would update on my progress in going off of my anxiety medication (zoloft).  Emotionally, I have been doing really well.

I have only had two withdrawals symptoms.  Firstly, I have been having REALLY vivid dreams, especially nightmares.  They are not disturbing me, but it is a little weird.  Secondly,  I been having bouts of dizziness.  It strikes out of nowhere and is not debilitating but a little annoying.

All in all, I am content with these temporary side effects.  They should ease off and disappear in a few weeks.

Dec 8, 2018


Prince Charming went to a community meeting today.  It was fun to drink coffee and chat with neighbors beforehand and it was exciting to hear great announcements regarding plans for the future.  I am lucky to live in this area!

Dec 7, 2018


I finally got some pictures of Little Prince with the Christmas tree!  It was a trick to get him to cooperate but I am so glad that I got some!!


I am feeling so great.  I am grateful that going off my anxiety medication has gone do well.  The side effects are gone and all I can feel is excitement for the Christmas season. I am loving the decorations, the movies, the sparkle in my kids eyes, daily Christmas earrings and drinking coffee out of my Santa coffee cup. I am feeling really happy.

Dec 5, 2018

Wordless Wednesday

Click the pic above to get to other Wordless Wednesday Participants or go check out the following links:

Dec 4, 2018


With a lot of help from my elfin helpers, our Christmas tree is now up.  It is so very pretty ns makes me smile just to see it.