
Mar 31, 2017

I Think I CAN

It has been about twelve days since I was on my personal Facebook page.  I have to say, it has been a nice break.  I am relaxed and content.  The only thing I miss is my friendship connections and sharing pictures of my kids.  (I live in the country hours or days away from all my friends.)

It was funny to realize how much much time I spent with my phone in my hand, scrolling through Facebook.  Time gets away from me.

That being said, I do think I am in a better place.  I can go back and choose to concentrate on the parts of Facebook that are upbuilding and to check in with my friends while scrolling past the terrible things that sometimes come up.

I can decide I am there for connection and not political arguments, horrible pictures, and nasty people.   And if it ever becomes overwhelming again, I can take a break to get in a better place.

Mar 30, 2017

Cooking on My Woodstove

I love cooking on my woodstove.   The smell of a nice pot of chili simmering away on the stove is lovely.  And having the luck to be able to cook cornbread in the woodstove is awesome!  It is just so peaceful to me.

Mar 29, 2017

Wordless Wednesday

Click the pic above to get to other Wordless Wednesday Participants or go check out the following links:

Mar 28, 2017

They Love It

I put books in the little book corner I created for the kids. The little girls have been up there all evening pouring over the books and excitedly sharing their finds.  I love that they are enjoying it so much.

This is the corner before the books

And this is the girls pouring over books (there is a larger light they don't have on).

Weekly Weigh-in

I was worried about my Weigh-in this week because earlier in the week I thought I had been drinking 0 Smart Points drinks and it turned out I had just finished drinking 56 Smart Points in drinks!!!!  I had my panic and then I got back know track.  And this week I hit ONEDERLAND!!!  That makes 65.2 lbs since I started losing weight and 16 lbs since I started Weight Watchers to get past my year long plateau!  I am so happy!!!  I am never deprived, I love my food and I am finally taking care of me again!!

Mar 27, 2017

Playroom Part 1

I am still working on play zones in the playroom but for now we have been tidying and clearing.

This is what we have so far.

Mar 26, 2017

Spring Fever

I am feeling the need to de-junk the kids zones of the house.  It may be spring fever but my kids are SLOBS!  And I need their areas to look better.

Today, we tackled the kids lounge.  I rearranged and created two zones.  The first is the television area and the second is what will be a little reading area.  I still have to load the book shelves and I want to add a carpet and a bean bag chair to the reading corner.  It looks so much better and I can't wait to get at the playroom.

Here is the television area

This is what will be the reading corner.

Mar 25, 2017


One of the projects I tackled today was my frozen foods.  I tend to buy things that are on sale and poke them where they fit.  Nothing was organized or easy to find.

At that point;

  1. I emptied my freezers onto the table.  
  2. Sorted everything into like items.
  3. Decided which items went into my fridge freezer for easy access and put them there.
  4. Organized the other items in the deep freeze.

This is all my frozen food:

Here is my fridge freezer now:

Here is my deep freeze:

Mar 24, 2017


I found a GIGANTIC stuffed puppy for Little Prince for only  $1.50!  It is so soft and sweet!

When he got it, he pulled it into his lap, plopped his face into it and declared it SOFT!  He now uses it for a blanket at night.

I just love how cute the little girls in these dresses and socks!

Mar 23, 2017


We were in Digby yesterday and I took the opportunity to explore areas I haven't seen yet.  I was excited to find a BEAUTIFUL waterfront that made me smile.  The water just warms my soul and I can't wait to spend more time there another day.

Mar 22, 2017

My Boy's Day

My boy had a perfect Little Prince style birthday.  He was actually happy and participating!  He stopped to play with each you before moving on to the next gift.  So sweet!

Wordless Wednesday - Through The Years

Click the pic above to get to other Wordless Wednesday Participants or go check out the following links: